The 2020 framing class in Port Townsend focused on layout and cutting of a small “Abbott’s Hut” One week goes quick and we barley had time to stand up some of the components. Next year we’ll continue working on this frame and get much further along. Again all of the materials are Alaskan Yellow Cedar.
In 2019 two one week-long classes were held in Pt Townsend. The first, a “beginners” class, concentrated on tool setup and then creation of “Bell Stands”. These are to be donated to the Seattle Taoist Studies Institute, Being an organization of Chinese studies, the designs of the stands are Chinese influenced, but the details, construction and methods used were very Japanese. Materials are Alaskan Yellow Cedar.
The second week-long workshop was devoted to studying construction design, layout and building methods. Center-line layout and arched beam scribing were practiced along with typical jointery and finish planing. This post and beam frame is mostly Alaskan Yellow Cedar, some Port Orford Cedar, along with a Sugi center log beam.
The 2018 class in Ashland produced timber style doors for Gates built in previous years. Again we used Alaskan Yellow Cedar. Such a beautiful wood that is strong and durable. Truly a blessing to have it available. The door frames are joined with pinned mortise and tenons. All hand planed. These will last for a very long time!
2017’s Econest course project was a simplified Gate for a rear entrance to the property in Ashland. The material is Alaskan Yellow Cedar for framing and Western Red Cedar roof boards. Various Japanese joints were used included mortise and tenons, dovetails and splices. The students first learn to tune their tools, then cutout the joints and finally hand plane the components. It was a full, busy week and a lot was learned!